Our Story

Hey guys, welcome to our site. My name is Gemma and I am married to Ian, and we are the owner/operators of IGFresh.

You could say IGfresh started in our garden. But maybe it started in our kitchen, or on our personal health journeys, or when we cook for friends & family, or when we give away produce we’ve grown. There is no singular event that put us on this path, more like an accumulation of many. We are very passionate about food and want to share it with a community. IGfresh was born.

Ian grew up working for his parents every summer at their market garden. This was his first introduction to growing his own food. Funny enough, he didn’t really enjoy it back then. As an adult he became a red seal chef, spending years in kitchens honing his craft. He doesn’t work in kitchens any more, but his passion and dare I say obsession with food is alive and well. This passion has transferred to growing produce (without using any chemicals), and creating tasty, nutritious meals in our home kitchen. He is your farmer.

My journey from childhood was based around sales and customer service. From an early age I was shown that its attention to detail and the small things that can make a big impact on someones day. My passion is helping others succeed in literally anything. From building a business, getting through their first workout, learning a new skill, literally anything. It brings me soo much joy. I have a strong drive to get things done and I love to learn new things. My experience with food has been a sensitive one. I love all foods but found some foods don’t love me. This has heightened my intrigue to how we are what we eat. I am your farmers labourer and recipe taste tester.

What is a CSA?

CSA stands for Community Supported Agriculture.

A community farming practice that’s been around for generations. Risk is shared between the farmer and the consumer creating a highly supportive environment where the farmer wants to give as much value as possible. The consumer and farmer support each other towards a common goal of growing and harvesting fresh produce every week of the growing season.

The consumer supports the farmer by purchasing a share of the gardens produce early in the season, giving the farmer cash flow to purchase seeds etc. This guarantees the consumer fresh produce for every week of the growing season.The farmer supports the consumer by having the knowledge and doing all the work of growing the vegetables and managing the garden.

The way we have chosen to grow food is all about nurturing the community and the land its grown on. We will not be using any harmful chemicals like pesticides or herbicides. We use organic growing practices. Instead of herbicide we pull the weeds and or use black plastic to suppress them. Instead of pesticide we use bug netting, yeast traps that attract the pests and also things like beneficial nematodes and/or beneficial wasps. Beneficial nematodes and wasps are good for the microorganisms in the soil, and do not harm the plants or any pollinators. They will get rid of any pests that are eating the plants. By using these practices we know we are giving you the consumer the highest quality produce.